Builder Found!

I've been looking for quite a while for someone to build me a "shell" of a PSG. A body with no mechanical parts (other than pedals, pedal rods and knee levers) along with a regular lap steel-like nut and bridge.

Steve helped me contact a couple, but they seemed to be too busy to really grasp the ... revolutionary nature of the beast. Well, Buck Reid put me in touch with Frank Carter of Infinity Pedal Steel Guitar.

He is interested. We spoke on the phone for 2 hours today. Frank believes that the PSG has gone about as far as it can mechanically. He, like several other PSG players I've talked to, believe that this kind of thing was inevitable and had even thought about ways of approaching it.

So, I'm hoping that Frank can make me one perfect PSG that I can continue to prototype with and that will eventually be used to debut this new PSG. After that, I want to make a dozen and get them in the hands of some great players (I've already got that many in mind). After that, we'll see where it goes.


Arizona, here I come


The "Summit" : Nashville, December 10, 2016