First Meeting, Nashville, May 7, 2016

We'd talked several times on the phone but it was a thrill to head to Nashville and meet with Steve Fishell, a gracious host and already an enthusiastic supporter.

I set up the DPS2G (early working title: "Digitally Pitch-Shifted Pedal Steel Guitar") in his home's studio/office and we got it all working. He seemed to pretty quickly get used to the small bit of latency and had at it. We talked about improvements such as the pedals' speed of return, capoing, etc.

He spent a good bit of time having fun. Changed from E9 to C6 and back. And at one point even programmed in a crazy change, for illustrative purposes... A one pedal, three string swoop from one inversion to the next. With strings 3, 4, and 5 and no pedals, this meant that string 5 had to jump a full perfect 4th (B to E), something that would be impossible if physically stretching a string. A little pitchy, but shows the idea.

"I have seen - and played - the future, and it is DPS2G." - Steve Fishell, May, 2016

A couple of videos here:


Capoing a Pedal Steel Guitar ... down!


Contact! Steve Fishell