Breakout Board & Jonathan Gregg

Soldered components onto the board I had made at OSH Park.

Jonathan Gregg, a pedal steel player I know here in NYC, agreed to come by and check out the prototype or working proof of concept. He said, "I think you've got something." He commented on the latency, but was very interested in the possibilities of tuning changes.

He's going to get me in touch with John Widgren, PSG player who works on PSGs as well, since he will likely be interested and might know about building or at least getting parts for a build

And, as it turns out, Jonathan has a mutual friend with Steve Fishell. He may be able to introduce me to Steve, who I believe would be the best contact to make; he is clearly open-minded and generous (based on what he's done for Buddy Emmons). I've been wondering how to get to Steve otherwise.


Contact! Steve Fishell

